
How LinkedIn Can Be Part of Your SEO Solution

LinkedIn is very SEO-friendly and therefore, is a service you should use. I use LinkedIn and find it more valuable by the day. "SEO," in layman's terms, means using Internet tools to help your ideal customers find you, your products and your services. When you first visit www.linkedin [dot] com and create an account, you create a personal profile. The profile reads like a Resume. It has your name, current job, previous job(s), education and recommendations. Because the LinkedIn profile reads like a Resume, I tell people to have their complete Resume in electronic format before creating their LinkedIn profile. They can simply copy and paste text from the Resume to the LinkedIn profile.

LinkedIn is very SEO friendly. I've had several occasions when I posted an entry at LinkedIn, Googled my name and found that entry at the top of the list. Not only did Google pick up the new entry within 30 seconds, but it also placed that entry at the top of the Search Results window.

LinkedIn presents your picture at the upper left-hand corner. Make sure you have a professional picture and use that at LinkedIn's Facebook's, Google+'s and Twitter's profiles. People look at pictures in the upper left-hand corner before we start reading text...that's just how we were trained to read. A professional picture can attract business while an unprofessional picture can turn people away.

You never know who will find your picture. It could be an employer or a prospective employer. It could be a client or a prospective client. It could be someone who wants to refer you to a prospective employer or client. If you have a professional picture, you could get the recommendation. If you have a picture of yourself half-naked or drunk, you could end up disqualifying yourself.

LinkedIn also allows for a 120 character headline. A 120 character headline will accommodate 15 words at 8 characters each (not counting spaces). This is an extremely short amount of space. You need to take your 30-second (60 word) elevator pitch and condense it immensely to fit within LinkedIn's 120 character headline. This task will be well worth it.

When someone Googles you and finds your LinkedIn profile, they will see your name and your headline and yes, the headline verbiage is indexed by the search engines. Your headline should have at least one of your targeted key phrases. If you are targeting the key phrase solar panel installer, make sure that is in your LinkedIn headline. You could have...(for more info, see )

Article Source: Mark Germanos

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